1. You can obtain an application from the Cat Tales Wildlife Center, 17020 N. Newport Hwy, Mead, WA. 99021; contact us at our facility by dialing (509) 238-4126 or download the application from the website.
  2. Please return the application and current photo to the admissions office, located at the same address as the Wildlife Center. Applications can also be sent by email to mail@cattales.org or completed online.
  3. Request and return a copy of your transcripts for both your high school (or a copy of G.E.D. completion) and any previous college(s) attended to the admissions office. Proof of technical status will suffice, if practical.
  4. Submit three (3) letters of recommendation from employers or teachers for the program.
  5. Submit proof of a recent physical examination, tetanus shot and tuberculosis test.
  6. The last step to acceptance is an in-person, virtual, or phone interview that will determine the applicant’s acceptance or rejection. Before the personal interview, all the above-mentioned items must be on file at the Wildlife Academy.