Cat Tales Wildlife Conceptual Master Relocation Plan

We wrapped up the evening of our Wild Things Wildlife Gala with the public reveal of our Conceptual Master Relocation Plan, presented by Meagan Claremont, the designer and creator of the plan.

About Meagan Claremont

Meagan grew up in Deer Park, WA, and fondly remembers school field trips to Cat Tales from her childhood. Her career path led her to a job at CLR Design, a California firm focused on designing zoological and botanical spaces. Inspired by this work, Meagan returned to school to earn her degree in landscape design and architecture. She featured Cat Tales Wildlife Center as the star of her UCLA Capstone Project for her master’s degree.

The Conceptual Master Relocation Plan

After months of dedicated and thoughtful work, including meetings with Cat Tales staff from upper management to students, interns, and volunteers, Meagan applied her wealth of zoological design and insight to create our Conceptual Master Relocation Plan. Her design envisions a larger, new facility while ensuring the continuation of our work for rescued, non-releasable, and surrendered wildlife.

Features of the New Design

  • Educational Opportunities: The new design provides countless opportunities and space for educational work, including on-site dormitories for zoo school students and interns, classrooms, and activity spaces for summer camps and other public education programs. These programs could be held year-round in any season.
  • On-Site Clinic: An on-site clinic suited for the animals in our care would significantly impact our ability to provide the best medical care throughout their lives.
  • Enhanced Guest Experience: Guest experience and facilities, as well as our back-of-house operations, would benefit from the new design.
  • More Space for Animals: The most important feature of the new design is the provision of more space for the animals.

Stay Tuned

Stay tuned for updates on our website, including an online survey where you can view the design and share your thoughts on what could be the future of Cat Tales Wildlife Center.