Not All Medical Moments Are Streamed –
In a world of streaming content, you will find some zoos and wildlife rescues included in the viewing lineup. You may even see them sharing medical procedures for the animals in their care. We aren’t streaming but thought you might be curious how we handle big cat veterinary care here at Cat Tales Wildlife. Let me tell you about Nalin the white tiger and his toe.

A Tiger’s Toe Troubles
This August staff noted Nalin favoring his left front paw. He was grooming it more than usual and shaking it often as if to shake something out. Soon the staff were able to capture a picture of the culprit. Nalin had a claw growing too curved, causing it to curl back and into his toe pad on that foot.
A Unique Procedure for a Unique Patient
Tigers aren’t typically welcome into clinic, so his procedure took place here. Despite his early years showcasing his tiger abilities, presenting paws for nail trims was not part of Nalin’s training. This manicure would require sedation.

When a Dremel Becomes a Claw Tool
If you aren’t familiar with it, tiger claws are STRONG. Standard nail clippers are not up to the task. Thus, farrier tools and a nail file in the form of a cordless Dremel were our go to. Once safely under sedation we entered his space and began to tackle the problem claw. With a loud crunching snap the vet clipped the claw and pulled the tip from Nalin’s toe pad. We trimmed the rest of his claw tips, checked teeth, did an overall physical exam, and drew some blood before waking Nalin up.

Fast Recovery and Positive News
From the initial injection to back on his feet, the entire process was completed in an hour. The toe pad healed beautifully in a few days. Also, we are happy to note his bloodwork shows Nalin’s kidneys are performing better than expected.
Thanks for Making This Possible
Thank you, Dr. McConnell, for your professional care. And thank YOU! Your support makes veterinary procedures possible.